Flamingo Friends
Have you ever made friends that you knew would last a lifetime? I have always had close friends growing up- I made and had friends throughout my school age and college years, but nothing has compared to the friendships I have made in adulthood. I have made friends that will last a lifetime!!! We have gone through marriages, births, adoptions, health problems, and deaths. We have experienced extreme joys and extreme sadness. We have laughed and cried. We have become more then friends we have become sisters. Through bible studies (and lots of coffee) we have grown closer to our Father and each other. We all are unique and bring special gifts to the table. Heather -the gift of being a servant , Holly- the gift of vision (seeing the whole picture), Maria- the gift of "real" listening, Kim- the gift of bringing people together and seeing a project to completion, Deanna- the gift of determination, and Robyn- the gift of strength. When you mix it all together with a bit of laughter, some silliness, and a lot of prayer (for ourselves and our families)- you get the FLAMINGOS!!!!! We have been studying together for about 6 years. We are all married to wonderful husbands (who put up with our "PINK ways") and have the best children in the world. We are true friends.
In 7 days my family will be moving about 5 hours away from these girls I call my forever flamingo friends. How do I feel... bitter sweet. These friendships will not end. They will only become stronger and more dear over the years. I will miss their hugs and seeing their smiles, but I will continue to pray for them and their families. I will be only as far as a phone call (or a car/airplane ride) for our emergency flamingo meetings or a simple chat. I will think of them as I drink my warm coffee, and contemplate the world we live in and the AWESOME God we serve. I will be their number one fan and their shoulder to cry on- I will be their friend!
I know God has a plan for me and for my family. I am ready to serve Him wherever He needs me. I will take what I have learned from these six girls and I will touch the lives of others. I am a stronger and better person for having these girls as friends.
Flamingos, you are true friends that will last a lifetime!!!! Love ya!
That was the best first post I have ever read! **sniff sniff** :) Girl, I am going to miss you so much.
You are a true friend...
Forever flamingos!!
As tears are rolling down my face...what a beautiful first blog and a wonderful sentiment as to our bond. 5 hours is not that long!!!!! And we were are bound in Christ there really is no end. I love you to pieces LAcie!!!
Forever Flamingos!
OK! Enough with the tears!!! I teared up, too, and I don't even live there!!! Hope all you girls keep in touch!
Lacie's Mom
You will be missed, Lacie. But I will check in on the blog to see how you and your three boys are doing!
I found you Lacie! I have been heartsick these last couple of months as Heather's heart was so heavy contemplating your move. She was happy for you but oh so sad for her. I will never forget how you all welcomed her to Houston when I had to "let" her go. God blessed her in ways we could never have dreamed of. I do hope that you all make time to stay together and stay in touch. You are too precious to lose each other! Love you and hope you get settled in soon. I will be watching for another blog about your new home.
Okay, I hardly know any of you, but yet I tell all of my friends about The Flamingos. I just read a book about Sisterchicks and it immediately made me think of ya'll! I have to admit that having you close (5 hours) is great, and who knows maybe the Flamingos will meet at Starbucks in a whole bunch of exotic places!
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