Monday, November 9, 2009

How do you say good bye...

Today, our life changed just a bit...
Not in a bad way, but in a necessary way.

My Granny, the boys Great Granny, was placed in a sweet little home today.
She has been in the hospital for several weeks for various reasons and has shown increased signs of confusion (progression of her dementia/Alzheimer's).

My sweet Grandpa has demonstrated his love for Granny in his care and sincere affection for her for a very long time.
However, Granny has become harder to care for in many aspects.

The decision was made a couple of days ago to place Granny in a personal care home.
The home is beautiful and she has her own bathroom and bedroom complete with french doors leading to the wonderful backyard.

But, the question is...How do you say goodbye to the "Holidays at Granny and Grandpa's", Seeing Granny walking around in her immaculate home with her classy house shoes on, Watching Granny cook perfectly prepared meals in her kitchen with so much love, Sitting around the huge dinning room table with her sitting at the head watching her smile at each of us like we were her many things I just don't want to say goodbye too.

How do you say things that you have known all your life.

Granny I love you.

I will always hold those memories of you in your home with Grandpa very dear.

However, through my tears, I am ready to make new memories with you in your new beautiful home.

Pictures taken in September 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I don't want to forget...

Last night, I took the boys out for a "Momma and Boys"night. We had some fun things planned. As we drove into town and came off the interstate, the boys noticed a man standing with a sign in his hand. My heart just broke when my car was the one that stopped right next to him waiting for the green light. As I looked in the rear view mirror, the boys were just staring. THEN, came the questions... I tried so hard to talk about God's love for the man and why we take food to church for the pantry...BUT in my stumbling explanation about poor and homeless, all that really seemed right was that we needed to pray for the man. Pray that he had a warm bed to sleep in tonight, that he would have food to eat, and that he would find the hope in God.

We pulled into the store parking lot and I turned around asking the boys if they would bow their heads so I could pray. K-man, looked at me with his big blue eyes, "Momma, I would like to say the prayer." As my little boy prayed for "all the poor" and the "those without a bed or food" I knew God heard his prayer and smiled on his sincere worry for the man.

I don't want to forget the boy's faces of concern for the man, the prayer that K-man prayed, the feeling of thankfulness that swelled up in me, and the urgency of the need to pray.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Date with Me!

I took a couple of hours today and enjoyed the movie Amelia.

1. I was one of the younger people watching the movie...The 1:20pm time could have been the reason. However, I was happy to share the theater with two older ladies sitting beside me (maybe late 70's) totally enjoying the movie. Probably visiting many childhood memories.

2. I really do love movies based on real people and real events. I often find myself very inspired by their lives. The story of Amelia is no different.

3. I wish there were more PG movies.

4. I really want to go grab a book on Amelia's life...too many books, too little time!

5. There is something wonderful about going to the movie alone.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween is the life for me...

Halloween this year was a full adventure...
We picked the perfect pumpkins, had a Pumpkin Carving Party at our house, went to the Fall Festival at the Elementary school, and Trick or Treated... The boys thought this was the best Halloween ever!
Here are a few of the pictures taken over the last couple of weeks!

Hope you had a Fun Halloween!