Monday, October 15, 2007


Are you scared of "quiet" in a house with small children? I AM! When it's quiet and there are no children in sight I start to mentally freak-out!!! So, it's been silent here for about 10 minutes...I sneak a peek in the K-Man's room and what do I see...My first born looking at books on his bed and Little Bit playing quietly with some toys! So what's a Mom to do?? Sneak off very quietly and hope that it lasts for a little longer...maybe I can actually finish my coffee!!!


maria said...

That's a rarity to have quiet in the house without the kids being up to no good! I'm actually trying to think of a time when that's actually happened in my house (nothing is coming to my mind at the moment;) Anyway, it is nice to have some quiet time to yourself. By the way, what is your favorite coffee creamer at the moment--do share!

BriteCloud said...

Sounds like you got lucky that time! LOL I have plenty of "quiet moment" stories. Most of them ending with someone in tears (often me!) and plenty of wasted soap or shampoo, scrapbook adhesive, or something similar, and/or something broken. One time while Steve was "watching" the kids (I use the term loosely), Beck unwrapped all of the Christmas presents that were under the tree. he was about 3 or 4 at the time (Beck, not Steve LOL). But do enjoy those particularly good quiet times. :)

silken said...

uh, was the theme music to Twilight Zone playing??? :)

*maybe you're too young to "get" that??*

Shaka said...

ahhh, the perfect moment!-they do happen!