Did we have fun on our first
camping trip for 2008?? You Bet!

We started our four night camping adventure at the
Cleburne State Park. We are slowly working our way through the Texas State Parks! The first night there our electricity went out in Poppy (our pop-up camper) and... well, I wrapped the boys up in three layers of clothes and threatened my adorable husband-Ha!
Ok, I enjoy the whole experience of camping, BUT heat is a MUST during chilly nights! We did
survive the night and My Dad (my parents and sister met us there) helped my adorable husband solve our problem and I was able to love camping again!

While camping we did what all true campers do...walk on trails collect cool rocks and leaves,

and climb trees!
Cleburne is a really wonderful state park with a lot to do including fishing (I forgot to include a picture of the K-Man fishing!)

Then it was off to Dino Valley...

celebrate this K-man's 4
th Birthday!!! He is CRAZY about
Dinos and this state park
definitely lent itself to a great
dino birthday party!

For every Dino
birthday party you HAVE to have a
dino cake!

Oh, AND for every 4 year old birthday party you HAVE to get a Super Fast Red Bike!!

I hope you had a DINO-MITE 4
th birthday! We love you
SOOO much!
Love ya Buddy! Those at the party included Paw Paw,
Gramzie, Auntie Lindsey, Poppa,
Grammie, Jay, Diane, Haley,
Macey and Emily!

While at Dino Valley we had to get a picture with the T-REX!

AND...look at all the tracks! K-Man could not believe how big the
Dinos and their tracks were!

The camping trip was also a fun time because the Easter Bunny found us all the way out there!

What cute bunnies I have!

Here are "the girls" with "my boys" waiting
for the GO!

Little Bit...keep looking!

The K-Man ran around looking for eggs and was ready to eat the candy!

Then the GRAND FINALE of the trip was a stop at DINO WORLD! Where there are 100 life size Dinos just waiting to be seen by little 4 year old
boys who LOVE

DO you see the K-Man running up a head? He ran the entire time yelling, "follow me, I'm the leader,
because I know all about
dinosaurs!" Then he would jump up and down and shout the name of the next Dino he found until we caught up with him!
AHHHHHHH! Scary Dinosaurs!!!

Can you believe how real they look!?! They were all life size and amazing!

This is one of my favorite pictures of "my boys"
including the big one!
Dino World wrapped up with a fossil dig and $$$ spent in the gift shop!!!!
This was such a wonderful trip, I just couldn't include the 502 pictures taken or every special detail that took place, but I want to share my sweet boys 4
th birthday with you and encourage you to take
advantage of the "world " around you! Life is such an adventure-spend it with those you love!
We DID go to the same place last week! I blogged our dino day, too. Though, we did not do the dino world. My kids were hashed. The boys do not have that much of an attention span.
How funny we were both there. We even drove through the campground. I wonder if we drove right past you!
Looks like you guys had a blast.
It looks like yall had SO much fun! I know K-man had loved the dinos. I can just hear him screaming from excitement! We thought about him on his b-day...tell him we said Happy Birthday! Miss you.
Love ya!
Looks like ya'll had a blast! I will have to find out where this Dino Valley State Park is so that we can go camping there with the kids.
Y'all went to Dino Heaven!! All Dinos all the time. How fun! How did you ever get K-man to leave?
Enjoyed seeing all the great pictures and hearing about your trip. Glad you had fun--and got the heater working again!
What a fabulous trip!!! I know that K was loving every minute of his Dino weekend! And you were one busy Bunny too! THanks for sharing the pics. I can't believe you took 502!!! Miss you!
why are my comments not showing up on your blog?????
That Dinosaur Valley seems like a really neat place! I bet Kannon was over the moon--it sounded like a perfect place for him! It just seems like the other day when our little ones were little (ha!) Happy 4th Birthday K-man, we love you!!
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