Yesterday was a beautiful day here in our small little community. We spent all day playing outside and getting dirty!

We even ate Oreo's (notice the black teeth)! THEN...

We spent about 4 hours in the ER with our sweet K-man with the final diagnosis being a broken tibia in the left leg. The break is in the upper shaft (close to the knee joint), NOT in the growth plate and NOT displaced. There is nothing more heart wrenching then seeing your baby suffer! He was very strong and even had the famous "K-man smile" through a lot of the pain. We were not in the ER 30 minutes before our new church family overwhelmed us with their presence, prayers and kind words. This picture was taken following the the pain meds and the ride home in the back of the car. So tender. So precious.

We believe in a God of healing and God that fills our lives with blessing...We are still smiling following a long night of discomfort and sickness (from meds). Our blessings: a brother to read with, the K-man's contagious smile, a "good" break (could have been much much worse), a beautiful sunny day to picnic on our lounge chairs outside...

"good mail" delivery from our church family...

AND naps!
The-K-man is wearing a splint and is non-weight bearing. We have an appointment on Thursday morning with an orthopedic pedi surgeon in a well known children's hospital. Please keep our family in your prayers over the next few days.
oh, Lace! He looks so sweet sleeping in his cast! I am so glad to see his smiling face. I was worried about sweet K-man! What a great goodie basket from your church!
Miss you and love you. Send k-man our love!
Oh Lacie - your poor baby boy! I'll keep you all in my prayers. I hope you all get some much needed sleep and rest and I'll be anxious to hear updates after your visit Thursday. Hoping for a fast recovery -
Bless, bless, bless your heart! All 4 of your are being lifted in prayer! I'm glad to see K's smile - that eased my anxiety a little. Love you!
Oh Lacie, I'm SOOO sorry!!! How awful. I will pray for you. The must be very difficult. I'm so glad you have a wonderful church supporting you. Yeah for that!
Lacie--I am soooo sorry to hear about the K-man's ordeal. I'm just so glad that you have such a wonderful outlook and a wonderful church family to lean on. You are in my thoughts and prayers (always!) and especially at this time! Love ya girl!
Oh those pictures of the progression of your day--from play to PAIN! I am SOOOOO sorry K-man broke his leg. The pictures of him asleep and then on the couch with B. and his soft cast are so sweet. Your whole family is in my prayers--especially for quick healing and adjustment to having a cast for several weeks. Hugs and love!!
So sorry to hear about K's leg. Even with a "good" break, it's a big deal! We'll be lifting you up in prayers!
Isaiah broke his arm in the fall and was so much more of a trooper than I would of been! I'm sure K will amaze you!
Oh my ... what happened? I am so sorry K-man is slowed down for awhile. I hope the pain is getting easier for him and you. I have dealt with my kids and broken bones and I know that it is hard to watch them 'hurt'. Love and prayers to all.
give the little man a big hug for me!
I hope he won't be slowed down too long. You all are in our prayers.
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