WHEW! We have been having a non-stop SUMMER.
Sometimes I wonder how we manage to handle all the FUN.
( I guess the naps here and there help!)

We have had some FUN "Family Night Outs" with our church family.

Here we are playing a serious game of kickball...
BOYS vs Girls!
I have to say our boys loved the whole idea of kicking a ball as hard as they could!

We had the opportunity to bake a Father's
Day dessert for the
"Main Man" in our lives. Yes, that is sticky, cherry filling on Little Bits leg!

Happy Father's Day yearly photo. CHEESE!

AND...Gordon, our garden, has once again kept us on our toes!
We have been traveling so much that we actually canned our veggies on the road. Once at the Smith home and once at my adorable husband's parents house-
You do what ya gotta do!

The boys have been
OHHHH so helpful!

With all the hustle and bustle at home...we decided to take our show on the road.
We spent some time in Galveston. Is is so funny, my adorable husband and I both grew up close to the coast, so the beach was nothing special. BUT, to our boys it is
sooooo "awesome!"

I have to say... the boys loved the waves, but the sand was the highlight of the beach!

We also visited the Rain Forest Cafe in Galveston.

This picture says it all!
They loved it!
Ok, Little
Bit did FREAK out a bit during the TWO "thunderstorms", but the rest of the time smooth sailing!

Then it was off to
Houston to spend time with the Flamingo families.
The K-man and Little Bit had not seen the other kids in ...Oh my...forever!
Once K-man got over being shy, it was off to the pool!

Little Bit was mesmerized by sweet Kacie!
Hmmm...arranged marriage???

Yes, this poor pool will never be the same after
4 Mommas and 8 children spent the afternoon there!
Good memories!

This pictures SERIOUSLY makes my heart smile...HUGE SMILE!

The three day and three night stay was PACKED! I can't think of a second that was not planned for fun! We were worn out, but just kept on running to the next event for that hour!
Can we say-

Oh...more happy heart pictures!

I am blessed to have such wonderful friends!
We came home for a couple of days (LITERALLY!) and had just enough time to wash clothes and repack to head back down south for baby showers and some family time!

My sister is due in 5
ish weeks and I can hardly stand it!
"We" are having a girl...I mean, she is having a girl!
Lilah Claire.

Lindsey had two baby showers while we were down there...
I love shower cake and punch-Oh wait, it's not about me!
Lindsey looked adorable big belly and all!
Did I mention we are having a girl!

While I was running around drinking punch and eating cake with Lindsey and my Mom, the boys were hanging out at my adorable husband's parents house enjoying time with Grammie & Poppa, and of course
Chica (the horse).

So many pictures! So little space!
We were down south for about 5 days total between the
grandparents and then it was back up north for more fun!

We made it home just in time to celebrate July 4
th twice!
Once on the 3rd - With friends from church at a huge firework show that was right above us! BEAUTIFUL...not so fun for Little Bit! He thought they were too loud and were going to land on us (I told you they were right above us!)
Then on the 4th- We hung out with friends from church and swam, cooked out, and of course more fireworks that Little Bit could not handle! I guess after two attempts...we have learned, they are NOT his thing!

Family FUN on
Independence Day!
Man, we were worn out after the boys getting to bed around midnight two nights in a row-
not smart to do too often...there seem to be many more tears the next day!

So, as you can see we are just about PLUM WORN OUT!!!
We have a trip this weekend to Oklahoma and then VBS later in July.
I know this will all be over soon and the memories will be wonderful, but for right now the bed is calling my name!
I hope you are worn out with fun summer activities too!