Today, our life changed just a bit...
Not in a bad way, but in a necessary way.
My Granny, the boys Great Granny, was placed in a sweet little home today.
She has been in the hospital for several weeks for various reasons and has shown increased signs of confusion (progression of her dementia/Alzheimer's).

My sweet Grandpa has
demonstrated his love for Granny in his care and sincere affection for her
for a very long time.
However, Granny has become harder to care for in many aspects.
The decision was made a couple of days ago to place Granny in a personal care home.
The home is beautiful and she has her own bathroom and bedroom complete with french doors leading to the wonderful backyard.
But, the question is...How do you say goodbye to the "
Holidays at Granny and Grandpa's", Seeing Granny walking around in her
immaculate home with her classy
house shoes on, Watching Granny cook
perfectly prepared meals in
her kitchen with so much love, Sitting around the
huge dinning room table with her sitting at the head watching her
smile at each of us like we were her favorite...so many things I just don't want to say goodbye too.
How do you say goodbye...to things that you have known all your life.
Granny I love you.
I will always hold those memories of you in your home with Grandpa very dear.
However, through my tears, I am ready to make new memories with you in your new beautiful home.
Pictures taken in September 2009