Poor Little Bit. Is it really that bad?
We are leaving in a little while to head down to Victoria to visit family over the extended weekend. While I am so excited to see everyone...the 6 hour trip in the car, not so excited!! The K-Man is a good traveler. He sleeps, names the clouds, eats snacks, listens to music, and the list could go on and on. Like I said, good traveler! Now Little Bit, TOTALLY different story! See the adorable face above...yes, this it what Little Bit's face looks like in his car seat after the first 30 minutes! I know this phase will pass too, but what are my chances it will happen in the next 30 minutes??
Enjoy your long weekend!
YIKES ! Be careful. I can only say this....tyelenol. Or dramamine. Or ear plugs......just kidding of course but I know it is a long way to try and comfort someone who is just wanting one thing. OUT. Wish this was a stop!
Good luck! Maybe this'll be the trip that gets easier! :)
This post brings back so many memories of Ashlyn crying in the car every time to and from church. Yes, the 15 minute ride to and from church was a nightmare. So, yes you have my sympathy because I do remember what that was like. Good thing that that time will pass (if only it was sooner, rather than later) Anyway, hope your trip goes wonderfully well! Been thinking about you, hope you have a wonderful time too!:) Love ya girl!
I hope this phase passes fast! Hope the trip to and fro goes well, and maybe at a lower decibel level. :)
Traveling with kids can be very difficult! Good Luck! I hope you have a great trip.
What a wonderful picture to blog for the long weekend! I know it's very trying, but he looks so cute, even crying.
I hope the trip is/was better than usual.
I love that face. HA! I have never seen him cry like that...he's too precious!
:) Love ya.
What a sad face. I hope the car ride went well and you enjoyed your time with your family!
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