As funny as it might seem, one of my life goals is to watch ALL of the episodes of Little House on the Prairie. It has been a fun goal because the K-Man loves LHOP too. It has been so nice to actually get to watch a television show with my child! I miss all the family TV shows! Oh...I better move on before I get on a "soap box"!
The other night we were watching an episode where Caroline had a mother and daughter talk with Laura before bed (I love those loft talks). Caroline in all her wisdom made the comment, "Don't be afraid to hurt. Hurt is how you measure happiness." WOW! I knew LHOP was a great series! I know this wisdom went right over the K-Man's head, but it hit me square between the eyes.
Just wanted to share.
Wow, I always knew there was wisdom in IHOP. I read all of the books, but there must have been something else on TV at the same time as the series because I rarely saw it. You know, the one-television household that us older people grew up in, where you actually had to get up to change the channel and the volume. Anyway, I'm glad you and K. are enjoying this together.
How was the trip?
You should come to my house and watch them (my mother loved LHOP too and bought about every episode they made!) She had the books too and my mother and I both read them and would talk about them. LHOP is such a wonderful series and it really puts into perspective just how hard they had it back then. It really makes me admire the people from those days--they were such good people, so strong and full of character (hmmm...where are they now?) Anyway, I share your love of LHOP--its a good show!
i used to love that show-didn't miss an episode. that is a very meaningful statement. too bad we don't have too much quality tv anymore. have fun with the shows.
LHOP is the best! I loved watching it then and still like to catch an episode when I can. I agree about wishing there was something truly family friendly on currently. Could you imagine Laura or Mary sassing their Pa (like so many "family sitcoms).
My mom went through a praire girl sewing phase and made long dresses and sunbonnets for me and my cousins.
I love LHOP. I missed it as a kid (came on Wed nights) and somehow never read the books. But I did remedy that by reading them all to my kids (before son got too big for that kind of thing!) My daughter went on to read all of the one about Laura's daughter Rose. She even dressed as Laura Ingall's one Halloween, not so long ago. love it!
There is a fun birthday meme going around. I "tagged" you to play along if you will. You can read about it here .
I love that show and never realized all the wisdom it had. It makes me want to watch the reruns now.
I love that show and never realized all the wisdom it had. It makes me want to watch the reruns now.
Oh Lacie, I love this post! I am a LHOP nut. When I was first married, my friend Jeralee, would record all the episodes for me on video and send them from Oregon to North Carolina. Isn't that crazy? At one time, I had every episode on tape.
I came across it the other day on tv and they were talking about God and it was just so sweet and I thought how sad it is that there is nothing like this on tv anymore. I used to LOVE watching and reading it as a child.
I'm reading them with my girls now. It is my old set that I got for my 8th birthday. A little rumpled, but still so wonderful.
Oh I remember a couple of little girls that used to love LHOP too! We watched them all. It was a great great show for family for sure. I think it is a great goal to watch them all. How many are there? Ask Heather about the Michael Landon phone call from her brother. Family joke!
I'm with ya! Love it! Besides, It is the about the only decent thing on after 5 when Noggin is over!
I was just teasing my sister the other day because she is often making reference to LHOTP such as "Julie, your hair looks just like Albert's when he . . . " I make her cut my hair that very night.
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