Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Half Way

You know that time between when you are starting to wake-up, but you are lying there because the bed feels to good to actually get up. Well, this morning about that time I started thinking about things in my life that are half-way done or things that I feel I have only seemed to do half-way. Things like my journal I only touch every six months, my 10 year journal that I have to back track and think about to fill in the days missed, all my scrapbooks (Little Bit's 1st year), painting above the cabinets in the kitchen, decorating by bedroom, cards that have been started to eventually send, staying up on the blogging world (new friends and old friends)...the list could go on. While these things bother me there are other things that hurt my heart worse that maybe I only do half-way. Things like being a caring daughter, an enthusiastic aunt (and future aunt), a support to my expecting sister, being a true and involved friend to those here and other places, letting grandparents know how much I LOVE them, being a good occupational therapist for my residents...Loving my GOD...Loving my husband...Being Present with my children...Well, I have really no idea how to do everything 100% all day everyday and to finish everything everyday- probably not completely possible (being human and all). I guess I will just have to continue to do my best, and that will just have to be enough! The boys really do need to get up so I don't have the chance to think to much-HA!

Dear father, I want to give you my heart today. I want to love like you love. I want to use each day that you bless me with to be a light and encouragement to those around me. I want to be a woman who is present and active in those lives around me. Lord, hang in there with me. Amen.


Holly said...

I certainly know what you mean! I think focusing on only a few things at a time, and doing them well is okay-even if it does leave somethings unfinished--you can always go back to them and focus then on those things.

I actually have been having the urge to learn to knit, or maybe refresh my crochet (never got far)--as if I need another unfinished project or hobby, but I still think I want to try!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said...

I just came over to check out your St. Patrick's Day via Tip Junkie. Great blog you have here!

I always make a list and if I get half of it done I consider it a success. =)

RetroLeeTX said...

Lacie - this is the exact topic we talked about at a women's retreat through my church this past weekend! I think we all struggle with this, at least I know I do, everyday! It's so hard to know where to put your energies sometimes. I do know that by trying to put God into my life more, seems to help it all even out. If only there were more hours in the day....and a clone of myself, then I KNOW I could get it all done! Love Ya Sister!