1. Today I woke-up about 3:20 AM and I made myself stay in bed until I just couldn't stand it anymore! So, at 4 AM I am bustling around the house getting so much done. I think this 4 am thing could be good following A LOT of coffee at around 8AM!
She spent the day with her new little baby girl, Lilah Claire
My sister and Lilah hold such special places in my heart.
Love ya girls!
3. My sweet K-man has been tearful the last couple of days at school.
I guess the newness of going to school has worn off and after the extended weekend with family..."I don't want to go to school." has started. Today, as I walked him to class he looked at me and then took in a deap breath as he stepped into class. It completely broke my heart. Today was MUCH harder then the first day.
The teacher said everything has been going good and he is happy when I pick him up...just tearful mornings-bummer.

Deer Lease
Deer Blinds
Deer Feeders
Opening Day...
Yes, this goes on for months!!!
(gotta love my boys!)

AND throw in the color Blue and I'm a down right awsome Momma/teacher of one Little Bit!
sniff-sniff! I can relate. Phoebe's past 2 days have been tearful. She says with big eyes full of tears, "I just miss you momma." I'm tough until I walk away and start crying like a baby. I know it'll get better...it's just SOOO tough right now!
Love the 4-wheeler!
Sorry about the last comment! I was not thinking at all!!! I saw where it was deleted and was worried about what I had said, but then saw the comment on my blog and understood. I would have done the same thing!
Oh, I'm so sorry K-man's having a hard time. I'm sure he'll adjust back soon. My kids have actually adjusted so well. I'm amazed. I have been praying for them and I see such a difference this year. We have had some HARD years in the past, so this is such a nice breath of fresh air!
I am going to share this w/ another mother. she said something about her kindergartner having a tough time the last week. I said it was still adjustment period and the tiredness has worn off so he has more time to think now (he's a worrier) and also the holiday weekend threw everything off and now it's a readjustment again...
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