I am not at all in love with frogs- better yet, BIG TOADS!!! Trey has been telling me that there is a large toad living in and around our pond. That's fine with me as long as the little booger leaves me alone! What is it about toads and boys- they are just plan gross! They are bumpy and have beady eyes!
Well, last night after the boys were all snug in their beds, I noticed Trey doing some kind of dance outside (I had to laugh)! I walked out to see Trey trying to keep the toad out of the pond. When he saw me he told me to "go get Kannon!" So, I practically sprinted into his bedroom to get the sleepy child. I was so excited to show K the gross toad I probably scared the poor guy (You would have thought I saw a flying saucer)! K ran straight for the toad- Me, well I squealed every time it just hopped my direction (Trey and K thought it was great!). The whole time K was trying to touch and pick up that slimy thing I kept yelling- "it's going to pee pee on you!!!"
It took everything I had to get close enough to get a good picture of this HUGE TOAD. I think it was as big as my foot! Ok- maybe half my foot! At one point the toad and I had a stare down before he leaped for me...YIKES!!! He even tried to jump into our house- the nerve of Mr. Toad! Ok, Mr. Toad you can live in my pond and eat my mosquitoes because K really likes you- but you give me my space and I will give you yours!!
That toad is so big it looks like Kannon could ride it around the yard! HAHA
How fun...and great pics! :)
I''m glad ya'll found him, at least for K.'s sake! I think toads are pretty creepy too. I like little tree frogs better. He is a big dude--rrribbit (or is it croak)!
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