The K-Man received his medal in the mail today from our extended church family in League City! All summer we took on the challenge of the Blast into God's Word summer reading program. The K-Man was so excited to have a second medal for reading the bible and participating in the program, BUT what he doesn't understand is that his parents were even MORE excited. There is nothing better then seeing and experiencing the excitement of your child reading (or listening) to God's Word.
I am really looking forward to sharing this outstanding program with our "new" church family here next summer.
Go K-Man! That is AWESOME!!! What an example to others!!
J and J
Horray for the K!! Great job!
Thanks for sharing y'all experience and how everything worked last year. That was so helpful to us as we tried it this summer.
Way to go!! I'm so proud of y'all!
good job Kannon! (and mom and dad!) It is so good for a mom and dad's heart to see their kids reading the bible. I wish you could have seen the other crowd of kids at the front of the auditorium. GOOD STUFF! :)
We are all so proud of Kannon! I'm sure he was quite excited to get his medal in the mail! So how long did he wear it until he took it off?:) I'll have to say that all of y'all were dearly missed at the presentation of awards on Sunday night. He should have been up there squirming with all of our kids!:) I can't wait to see his bright and smiling face (and Braden's) too and I know Ashlyn and Layton are looking forward to it! Not to mention mommy misses her dear friend too!:( Miss ya and Love ya tons!
We love you did a good job. I am so proud of you!
Way to go KAnnon!!! We are so proud of you for listening to Daddy read the Bible to you everyday. Keep it up!
I love how happy he is. That is a great accomplishment.
Great job K-Man! What a wonderful thing to do together. He's such a cutie.
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