Happy Birthday to YOU,
Happy Birthday dear Sister and Auntie Lindsey
Happy Birthday to YOU!
I have the most wonderful sister in the world! Well, I really don't know any different, but from stories I have heard I have a pretty great one! She puts up with me and my family so that's something special right there!!She rolls her eyes at me with all my over exaggerations, but never makes me feel bad. She listens to my "poor me stories" and never complains. She sits at a different table when there isn't enough room for her AND my children and just laughs at the situation. She really tries to keep the whole family in style, but doesn't mind being seen with us(this is a big job-Ha!). My sweet sister always seems to adjust her schedule around my family because of the kids and she just makes it work with a smile. Lindsey is very kind hearted and always puts other's first. She is full of FUN and Laughter. Ok,I could go on and on, but I don't want her head to swell!
Here is a poem about sisters that is from Me to YOU, Lindsey!
For happy times shared through the years,
for the loyalty, love, the laughter and tears.
For the special things only you can do,
for all these things, I thank you!
Time and space may separate us,
but heartstrings know no end.
I'm proud to call you my sister,
happier still to call you my friend.
-Author Unknown
(Lindsey and her Sweet Husband with the K-Man!)
While Lindsey is a great sister, I would love her as an Auntie (The Auntie is her own special touch!) She spoils my children rotten. She has introduced K. to Incredible Pizza, and he has never been the same! No, REALLY! She hugs, teases, picks, and loves my children to the point it takes me a week to re-train them after being with their Auntie!
All of this is great and fun , but the most important thing is she is a child of God. She lives her life with grace and humility. Lindsey, WE LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Lindsey! You are a sweetie! Hope you have a great day....Love, Heather
Happy birthday Lindsey!! You sound like a keeper ;). Way to be so great and wonderful. You sister is very lucky to have you in her life.
That is a beautiful post to your sister. She must be great! You are very lucky. I don't have a sister and sometimes it makes me sad. But thats why girlfriends are so important.
AWE! Happy Birthday Lenzy! :) hope it was a great one!!!! and Lacie- how precious and sweet are you?!
xoxo love to my fam!
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