Once upon a time there were 4 birds (I mean girls) that left from Houston to visit the flamingo that had migrated north to a small country town in Texas. Their goal was to surprise her and make sure she didn't have to turn 30 alone.
They left their families (some leaving their children for the first time for an over night trip) with their WONDERFUL husbands and drove a LONG way to capture their friend! With lots of laughter and fun they arrived in the small town.
After parking in the neighbors yard and having to retreat once not to be seen, it was off to decorate the house with...
[Ohhhh...before I continue the story let be back up a bit. This planning had been in the works for over two months. The girl's adorable husband was a main organizer in this exciting adventure. He not only cleaned the house and picked up the whole day the girls were to arrive (to the sweet girls confusion and joy!), but also had Grammie come to keep the boys AND bought a plane ticket so the bird could ride back with the girls to see everyone at the League City church, along with the other flamingos that weren't able to come, then fly back home. AND ALL of THIS on the FIRST weekend of DEER HUNTING SEASON!!!!]
Ok- back to the story.
The girls decorated the house with FLAMINGOS and PINK!!!
Never enough PINK!
After the flamingo being dragged by her adorable husband to a pizza place that could have delivered to the house (another story.) She arrived to a HUGE SURPRISE!!!!! She walked in and noticed some hanging flamingos...What is this?...Did my husband get someone to decorate for me?...What is going on?...Could it be?...The flamingos HERE?...SCREAM, CRY, LAUGH, HUG, JUMP, SCREAM!!! It was the Biggest Surprise EVER! After a long day of confusion the grateful girl was beside herself with joy!
After the initial shock, there were PINK gifts to open and a charm to be placed on her life filled charm bracelet.
The girl introduced the flock to the country and how to sit on the deck and look up at the stars. The night was filled with MUCH coffee, laughter, stories, plans, eating, and joy!
However, the story does not end here...The migrated flamingo was able to show the girls where she now lived and the new chapter in her life that only began months ago. The girls got to see the small town post office where good mail is sent out and the "blink and you'll miss it" town she now lives in. They ate at an old cafe and went to the farmers market(to name only a few things done that day). Then it was off to Houston. They talked, laughed, and sang until their mouths were sore from smiling!It was the most fun had in a car driving 6 hours! The whole time in Houston was full of hugs and catching up with friends.
While there are MANY special details that were not told in this story...you can now see why this girl thinks, like the country song states, "I'm The Lucky One". AND "They all lived happily ever after"...knowing they would flock together again soon.
I am honored to be the bird (I mean girl) in this story that has been touched so deeply by all those who were a part of this special weekend in my life. Thank you and I love you all!
Girl...that was the best weekends EVER!! One of those memories that will last a lifetime. Great blog...You have such a gift for writing stories.
Thanks for the scenic tour! HA! It was a blast. My favorite part was the look on your face when you saw us and the cafe, of course!
And, Trey...Thanks so much! You ROCK! :)
Miss you girl and love you lots!
Happy Early 30th birthday!
What a fantastic birthday surprise! You have been blessed with some wonderful friends & husband! I'm glad you were able to celebrate turning 30 in a fun way too- I promise, it's really not that bad to be in your 30s :)
OH Lacie. I knew I knew I knew! I am so glad they pulled it off. Trey does rock! Trust me on this. I know that you all had so much fun and made lots of memories. Friends are such a gift from God and the fact that you girls realize that is the best part. Don't you love car trips with the girls? Love you and HAPPY birthday.....
what a fun, fun weekend!!! I was so glad I got to be a part of the 'road trip of a lifetime'! what wonderful memories we made--our almost 'botched' surprise, staying up laughing (almost all night!) and spending the day together shopping, talking, eating a lot!(a.k.a our three huge desserts) and laughing some more. I'm so glad I got to see your home--its beautiful! and I can't wait to see you again soon! Love you girl! Happy 30th
One of my favorite memories ever was listening to you come in the house very confused and then watching you jump all over the place for 10 minutes screaming! Trey wins HOTY (husband of the year) award for helping make the surprise happen. Happy early 30th to a dear bird... I mean, friend! :)
what a fun surprise! happy 30th! that was a hard one for me-old people were 30. but now i realize it's all how you feel! i still feel 18-sort of! glad you had a great birthday!
Happy 30th Birthday. What a surprise. You have wonderful friends. I'm so glad you had a great time.
That is a wonderful thing for your friends to do! Most of us are thankful to have at least one good friend like that and you have a whole crew of them. It warms my heart to see the bond you all have developed.
And Happy Belated Birthday!
YEAH!!! I'm so glad your man helped plan such an amazing weekend for you. And to think about a plane trip so you could drive back - so thoughtful. I'm glad you were able to be with the birds again. Doesn't it feel so good to laugh and feel those connections again. I'm so excited for you.
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