Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer Bible Reading Club

While attempting to get a picture of the boys' Summer Bible Reading Program medals and certificates, I actually gave up and just told them to take a SILLY picture. Seriously, trying to get these two boys to take a "normal" picture these days is out of the question! I did however get a picture of all the kids who participated and completed the program...BUT goofy me had them hold up all their certificates with there names clear as day so I just couldn't bring myself to posting the picture.

This year we had 20 children participate in the program and 13 complete the reading! Pretty good odds! We read through Genesis and Exodus this summer which lead to some great family discussions and devotional time.

Way to go SILLY boys!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Way to go guys!! That's a super accomplishment. That's great too about the overall participation.

Sometimes you just have to go with the silly, right?