Meet our new friend Mr.Jack! He did not arrive this way but was picked and carved with much love. want to hear the story of Mr.Jack?...
One cool Fall morning a family arrived at a pumpkin farm where there they found three perfect pumpkins...
But only ONE was the MOST perfect pumpkin and he was taken carefully to a loving home where he would receive a face that he could share with the world...
The adorable husband in this special family began the process with his traditional role as the "gut remover". Mr. pumpkin knew it might be a bit uncomfortable but the end product would be worth it! He would be able to glow with pride!
While working on Mr. Pumpkin the adorable husband and the first born in this loving family had fun with the slimy guts! It tickled Mr. Pumpkin to have such silly boys working on him!
Little Bit dove right into Mr. Pumpkin and pulled out a handful of guts that he would have loved to have eaten...if the Momma would have let him!
Finally after recovering from the slimy feeling of Mr. Pumpkin's guts...
The K-Man decided if his little brother could help clean out Mr. Pumpkin, he could too!
Next the Momma stepped in and started her traditional role as the "face carver" with her trusty assistant the K-Man! Mr.Pumpkin was relieved that "the Boys" were not in charge of this task!
After some tender loving care and A LOT of "be careful with that knife!"...
Mr.Pumpkin was now Mr. Jack. AND I think he has the BEST personality, don't you! His glowing face has made our front porch so festive!
Happy Halloween form Our Family (and Mr. Jack) to yours!