I prayed diligently and with all my heart for God to bless me with boys...
NOW, I pray diligently and with all my heart BECAUSE I have boys!
This picture was taken about three weeks ago while on the phone with my Mom following K-man bumping into Little Bit (ohhh, the heartache!).
The Story: I had a friend and her children visiting from Houston. I think they had been at my house maybe two hours when the collision occurred between K-man and Little Bit on the bunk bed. K-man cried/screamed (you know the way that makes you heart drop!) I found K-man with his two front teeth bleeding and I couldn't get them to stop AND they were loose (Reminder he is only 5...). We ended up, after a 45 minute drive, at a dentist office where they casually let me know that he would need to have both teeth"wiggled" out because the gums would eventually reject them. They had both been broken under the gums at the root level. Yes, it would only take the "just right hit" to cause that to happen!
Hmmmmm....doesn't this bring back memories .

I have gone through the teary emotions of my baby going to Kinder and my baby loosing his "baby look" and the anxiety of the discomfort for K-man.
God is good and answers prayers.

The Dr. was wonderful with K-man and with me (heehee). The tooth at the root was crushed so, there was some digging that had to be done to get all the pieces out- (K-man will be sore).
I told K-man that I prayed through the whole procedure. He just gave me a hug and said, "I know." Oh, my sweet baby boy!

An ice cream and transformer later he was a happy boy!

Did I mention I have TWO boys!?!
sniff sniff! God is good to heal our bodies and our hearts! So glad that K did well and that you did too! Love ya!
OH MY!! He looks so cute!! How was the tooth fairy visit?
How is mama? I see another Chick-fil-A trip was in order! ha! Wish I could have been there with you again. Miss you.
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