It is fun to be tagged and learn more about those around you while others get the scoop on you too!
Megan tagged here it goes ready or not!
1.What I was doing 10 years ago- September 1997:I was attending Texas A&M University (Whoop!)working towards a BS in Community Health. Ellen was my sweet roommate who put up with my cat Toby (long story!) I still feel bad about it! I'm not even a cat person...why I had a cat still is beyond me-HA! Ok...Ok...back on track!!
2. Five years ago was September 2002:I had been married to my adorable husband for two wonderful years and was looking to graduate from Texas Woman's University (Houston Branch) with a Masters degree in Occupational Therapy. Ok, in all honesty those two years in OT school were tough! Both mentally and emotionally! Just married and working on a masters...would not recommend it!
3. One year ago September 2006:This one is SOOOOO easy! In one month almost to the day my sweet second born, Little Bit, was to make his appearance. I was trying to prepare both myself and The K-Man for a wonderful change! I was getting clothes washed and the baby's room just perfect for out precious baby! Oh...I have goose bumps! What a blessing!
4. Yesterday, September 17 (Has it been that long since I blogged!!!!-WOW!):Let's see...We hung out at the house. Just Me and the little guys. We were blessed with beautiful fall weather SO we played a lot outside. We planted mums, watered plants, played on the swing set, ate lunch outside, finished putting out some fall stuff, and I made a Halloween Chain with the K-Man. Wow- we did do a lot! No wonder I was beat at the end of the night!
5. Snacks I enjoyCheetos, does coffee count? about sweet tea???, anything chocolate,...oh, and right now I can't seem to stay out of the candy corn!! I love cookies...really anything baked...yummy!
6. Things I would do if I suddenly had $100 million dollars:Ok, my head is swimming! First, I would buy a weekend home around Houston (close to all my dear friends there) so I could be there and here kind of at the same time! Then I would do all of the good give to those in need, pay off my student loans, pay off my parent's house (my birthday is in November-just a reminder!), spoil my kids rotten---oh, I'm already doing that with the little I have, so moving on...
7.Locations I would run to:I'm not sure where they are all at, but those wonderful porches covered with huge trees next to a pond or lake. I know those places exist. I see them in magazines all the time! That is were I would run too! I also like the beach in the cool morning or late evenings...very nice! I don't get out much-Ha!
8. Bad habit I have:Maybe you should ask my adorable husband-HA!! I think I work too hard to make things Perfect and I am WAY TOO HARD on MYSELF!
9. Things I like doing:Reading, scrapbooking, crafting, decorating, blogging, hanging out with girl friends, snuggling up with the boys after they have been bathed and are ready for bed, being with family, shopping...Wow, I enjoy a lot of things!
10. Biggest Joy of the Moment:Other then the quiet I am enjoying with my fall decorations all around me blogging about fun stuff...hmmm...definetly my trip planned to visit everyone in Houston in a couple of weeks and celebrating my sweet second born's 1st birthday (bitter sweet)!
Fun Stuff! Thanks for tagging me Megan!
I tag...