Today while driving between the two nursing homes I work for I decided I really needed to pray. So I got started...yes, praying out loud. I always feel better after "voicing" my worries and concerns. Well, today I was feeling better with every word until I look over and see these two individuals staring at me from in their "big manly truck". I smile, turn casualy to face the red light and calmly raise my right hand to my ear and laugh. I'm not sure if it made me look more dorky (or insane), but all I could think was pretend you are on one of those hand-free phones!
The moral of this story is... if you are going to pray out loud in your car at least look like you are singing. You know, bob your head a bit. I don't think you would draw as much attention as a crazy girl looking like she is talking to herself-ha!
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Philippians 4:8
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Forever Flamingo take three!
I know that I have posted about the flamingos before, but as a good blogger friend I am taking on Laurie's Tag to post about where I came up with forever flamingo...
I will try to keep this brief...Once upon a time there where 4 girls that started a bible study togther to try to get to know each other better. It was a bit out of their comfort zone, but they decided why not! Only one girl had young children so meeting was easy. As time went on they had finnished two bible studies before they even knew what happend. Through those first months the girls grew closer on many levels and began to rely on each other a bit more. Following the intital bible studies more girls got in on the fun.
Then there was one special day when several girls met for "fall birthdays" at a tea room. While there one girl brought gifts bearing flamingo stickers...(Who could that have been-maybe the forever flamingo??) As they ate lunch and pondered life they started talking about the possibility of being flamingos (AKA-the YA-YAs!). Then one thing lead to another- you can read more about it here and here . Then one day one of the flmaingos flew north but promised herself and other flamingos that the "sisterhood" that was established and nurtured would never faulter! We have just been through so much in the last 6 and now close to 7 years- births, adoptions, deaths, marathons, moves, camping... AND NOTHING has changed- We are still girls that just want to have fun!!! here and here and here are just three of many examples of how things have not changed. AND...the one who flew the coop is now the Forever Flamingo!
Our next adventure is a trip to Savannah, Georgia!!! In less then a month!!! More to come on that!
Thanks for the tag Laurie!
I will try to keep this brief...Once upon a time there where 4 girls that started a bible study togther to try to get to know each other better. It was a bit out of their comfort zone, but they decided why not! Only one girl had young children so meeting was easy. As time went on they had finnished two bible studies before they even knew what happend. Through those first months the girls grew closer on many levels and began to rely on each other a bit more. Following the intital bible studies more girls got in on the fun.
Then there was one special day when several girls met for "fall birthdays" at a tea room. While there one girl brought gifts bearing flamingo stickers...(Who could that have been-maybe the forever flamingo??) As they ate lunch and pondered life they started talking about the possibility of being flamingos (AKA-the YA-YAs!). Then one thing lead to another- you can read more about it here and here . Then one day one of the flmaingos flew north but promised herself and other flamingos that the "sisterhood" that was established and nurtured would never faulter! We have just been through so much in the last 6 and now close to 7 years- births, adoptions, deaths, marathons, moves, camping... AND NOTHING has changed- We are still girls that just want to have fun!!! here and here and here are just three of many examples of how things have not changed. AND...the one who flew the coop is now the Forever Flamingo!
Our next adventure is a trip to Savannah, Georgia!!! In less then a month!!! More to come on that!
Thanks for the tag Laurie!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My 25th hour of the day!

What would you do if you had just one more hour in your day for just you?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Soup Swap 2008
Get out there and SWAP some SOUPS!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
"Houston...We have a family!"
Houston, Texas...
Ready or not here we come for a fun filled, long weekend with friends!!!!
While I am thrilled to get down there to see my friends...PACKING for a family of four, for an extended weekend is a whole other story!!! I should be packing NOW, however I think talking about it is so much better! I just get so overwhelmed by the whole process. From the pack-n-play... to the the the the diapers (that have to be packed in the car for a quick diaper changes on the side of the road)! Whew...yes, I think I will grab a piece of cake and some sweet tea before I get started!!!
Do you procrastinate when it's time to pack? Even if you are excited about the trip?
Ready or not here we come for a fun filled, long weekend with friends!!!!
While I am thrilled to get down there to see my friends...PACKING for a family of four, for an extended weekend is a whole other story!!! I should be packing NOW, however I think talking about it is so much better! I just get so overwhelmed by the whole process. From the pack-n-play... to the the the the diapers (that have to be packed in the car for a quick diaper changes on the side of the road)! Whew...yes, I think I will grab a piece of cake and some sweet tea before I get started!!!
Do you procrastinate when it's time to pack? Even if you are excited about the trip?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
SPT- Whats in a Name?

Ok, this is my first attempt to get in on the fun of SPT. If you would like to learn more, check it out Here .
Today's SPT was to share about the "name" of your blog ... To keep this post short my First Post describes a lot of where the name "forever flamingo" originated.
Basically, WE flamingos are a group of girls that have become the "Ya-Ya's"! Over the years (about 7 years now!)we have become the best of friends. We have been through A LOT!!! About 7 months ago (when I started this blog) we were moving from Houston to this very small little community about 6 hours away from my flamingos. Blogging was one way that I was going to let them know what I was up to while also getting to experience their day to day lives too. It has been fun. None of us have skipped a beat! I will always...FOREVER be a FLAMINGO!
Now when you are a have to love pink (or just have fun with the color)and you have to have flamingos all over your Laundry Room (Ok...that is the only place my adorable husband allows my obsession-Ha!).
How did you name your blog????
Monday, January 21, 2008
8 Years and Counting!

Yes, tomorrow is the BIG 8 year mark!!!! If you would like to know a bit more about our beginnings look Here . To honor our 8 year Anniversary I have come up with eight interesting facts that we have come to grips with to make this wonderful marriage work.
1. I understand the meaning of "Hunter's Widow" and I understand the fact that my husband is consumed by the outdoors from Oct. through Jan.
2. My adorable husband understands my need to "get OUT of the house!"
3. My adorable husband is a night owl and I' m a MAJOR morning person...AND we are good with that!
4. My adorable husband HATES tomatoes and most beans...Bummer! I have learned to adapt many recipes.
5. I do the small talk (or big talk-Ha!) in groups and my husband responds when he needs to.
6. I worry and think out adorable husband NOT SO MUCH!
7. I never know what is going on outside our home (you know...the "real world"), but my adorable husband tells me what I NEED to know. (this really used to bother him...)
8. We understand that we both have a lot more to learn about each other...but we have a lifetime to figure it out!
Happy Anniversary BABE!
Friday, January 18, 2008
My House!
If I could take a picture of my "sick house" that has created itself over the last week I would! However, (lucky for me) my camera is out of batteries! How does a camera run out of batteries and you don't have any more??? Easy, my house and my world has been turned upside down over the last week from our ugly guest, the FLU!!!! A little advice as I am off to take my Little Bit back to the Doctor for a possible ear infection (secondary to the FLU)...WASH YOUR HANDS and GROWL at little kids that cough on your children!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Word for 2008
I want to take the opportunity to ...try a new lipstick (I have worn the same shade-Mocha Freeze- ohhh, forever!), plan a girls night (with girls I don't know well) , send good mail more often, memorize bible scriptures, watch a good movie once a month, make more phone calls, laugh more then cry, give more hugs to the elderly I work with, give the gift of "really" listening, wear a new nail polish color (other then clear!), work towards one or more of my life goals, take a chance with trying something new, (the list could go on for a very long time)... I want to take the opportunity this year!
To start I am taking the opportunity to participate in the Travel SWAP . Check it out. While I haven't traveled many places I do have the dream of traveling!
Do you have a word for the year?
Monday, January 14, 2008
We have a visitor...
We had a visitor arrive in our home Sat. night about 11pm. He has made his presence known through the K-Man and my adorable husband. I have had moments of sever headaches and chills, but hanging in there. Now, Little Bit on the other hand is doing good. He was the only smart one who got the FLU shot!!!! We could all learn a lot from a 15 month old-Ha! I hope we make in through the week- the FLU is a tough little booger!
Friday, January 11, 2008
The definition of Selfless: Without concern for oneself;having little or no concern for oneself, esp. with regard to fame, position, money, etc.; unselfish; "devoted to others' welfare or interest and not one's own,".
When you say "I do" and become a wife you are choosing to become selfless. When you decided to become a parent you are choosing to be more selfless, as you add more children to the family...more selfless.
Being a parent is one of the most selfless roles to have. I love my boys and I strive everyday to be the best Momma for them. of my goals for this year is to be a bit more, shall I say selfish! I want to get back to washing my face at night (and some nights teeth) instead walking straight to bed like a zombie, I want to keep my toes nails from touching the end of my shoes (maybe even paint them!), I want to not have to think back to how many days it has been since I took a shower, I want to have the good smelling shampo, I want to READ, I want to blog and make new friends, I want to stop for a soda at a Sonic and not feel guilty that I don't buy one for the whole family, I want to...the list could go on and on. I just want to take a bit more care of me.
Hmmm. Too Selfish?
When you say "I do" and become a wife you are choosing to become selfless. When you decided to become a parent you are choosing to be more selfless, as you add more children to the family...more selfless.
Being a parent is one of the most selfless roles to have. I love my boys and I strive everyday to be the best Momma for them. of my goals for this year is to be a bit more, shall I say selfish! I want to get back to washing my face at night (and some nights teeth) instead walking straight to bed like a zombie, I want to keep my toes nails from touching the end of my shoes (maybe even paint them!), I want to not have to think back to how many days it has been since I took a shower, I want to have the good smelling shampo, I want to READ, I want to blog and make new friends, I want to stop for a soda at a Sonic and not feel guilty that I don't buy one for the whole family, I want to...the list could go on and on. I just want to take a bit more care of me.
Hmmm. Too Selfish?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What do you get...
Monday, January 7, 2008
"The Organizer"
The new year aways brings on my "The Organizer" side. I love to organize. I will organize and re-organize my cabinets, pantry, closet...just for the thrill of it! I know I'm totally sick- but it could be worse! Well, in the past I had heard of the The Container Store , but I had never been close enough to one to check it out(well, 45 minutes is still a bit far-Ha!). Let me just say, that I have NOW been to The Container Store and I am in Love! If you have a "The Organizer" side indulge yourself!
I have been in my closet all morning with all the NEW, FUN stuff I found!
*** Update from later in the day...
Ok. Now I have a ton of clothes that I no longer can fit my cute backside in (Ha!) OR I don't want to be seen on "What not to Wear" in (Ha!Ha!). AnyWhoo- What should I do with them is the dilemma...Do I take them to Goodwill or take the time to find and take them to a resale??? What do you do with your "extra" clothes?
I have been in my closet all morning with all the NEW, FUN stuff I found!
*** Update from later in the day...
Ok. Now I have a ton of clothes that I no longer can fit my cute backside in (Ha!) OR I don't want to be seen on "What not to Wear" in (Ha!Ha!). AnyWhoo- What should I do with them is the dilemma...Do I take them to Goodwill or take the time to find and take them to a resale??? What do you do with your "extra" clothes?
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Thoughts on Blogging!
Ok, I have started a new attempt to "get back out there" in the blogging world. For a while I have been so consumed with documenting what was happening in my life I forgot how refreshing it is to read about "your" life! SO, I have broken up a couple of days to check in on the flamingos...check in on friends and friends made... then I have left a couple of days for just looking around. I am trying to do better with leaving comments (and doing the laundry-HA!), I hope having certain days for checking certain blogs will help me be a more attentive blogger. I also just can't be on the computer all day (I would often like to!) Example: As I type Little Bit is yelling "Momma, Momma, MOMMA!" from his bed. -Poor kid!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The New Year
By working in nursing homes I often get a different perspective on life. For example, today (the first day of the new year) I experienced a family making a hard decision to put their mother on hospice AND a 103 year old women who was THRILLED that the cleaning staff found her lost (for over two months) hearing aide under her cabinet. This year will be full of ups and downs, sadness and happiness, uncertainty and certainty...but whatever it holds I want to take the chance to live my life to the fullest. I don't want to be afraid to cry because my heart hurts or to shout with joy at the small joys of the day. Live Life. Live Life to the Fullest!
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